discourse n. 1.演说;【宗教】讲道,说教。 2.讲稿;论说,论文。 3.〔古语〕会话,谈话。 4.【语法】叙述法。 5.〔古语〕推理能力。 make a stirring discourse 作了一次激动人心的演讲。 vi. 1.讲演,论说 (on; upon; of),说教,讲道。 2.写论文,写讲稿。 3.谈,讲,谈论。 D- on Method 《方法论》〔法国哲学家笛卡尔的著作〕。
Critical discourse analysis methods and cases 批评性话语分析方法和实例
Foucault ' s theory of power and critical discourse analysis 关于后结构主义者福柯的理论分析
Interface of functional grammar and critical discourse analysis 第28届国际系统功能语法大会述评
However , in the past twenty to thirty years , a new approach appeared known as critical discourse analysis ( cda ) by linguists 但近二三十年来出现了一种全新视角的语篇分析方法。它被语言学家们称作批评性话语分析。
The studies in this area feature wide range of approaches covering linguistic and sociolinguistic analysis , conversational analysis , semiotic analysis , critical discourse analysis and discourse analysis 迄今为止,仍在起着重要影响的主要研究方法有:语言学和社会语言学方法、会话分析方法、符号分析法、话语批评分析法及话语分析法等。
This paper intends to make an outline and comparison among the 5 main critical schools introduced in methods of critical discourse analysis and attaches a private review to the characteristics and shortcoming of this book 摘要本文简要介绍了《批评话语分析方法》一书的主要内容,概述了该领域的五大学派,以及各学派之间的比较,并对该书的特色和不足提出了自己的意见。
Critical discourse analysis (CDA) is an interdisciplinary approach to the study of discourse that views language as a form of social practice and focuses on the ways social and political domination are reproduced in text and talk.